
The Warren Family Gallery

The Warren Family Gallery is a modern and bright exhibition space located in Berkshire's Kennard Visual Arts Center. Through a commitment to artistic excellence, the gallery's exhibitions reflect a wide range of artwork representing all fields of study offered at Berkshire. Annual exhibits showcase artwork from students, alumni, as well as visiting artists.


August 31, 2024 – October 19, 2024

Poison Pens: Political Cartoonists Take Aim at the American presidency from Jefferson to Biden,

The exhibit features an extensive collection of cartoon reproductions, original cartoon art and personalized cartoonist sketches that Art Department Chair Paul Banevicius has amassed over several decades. Starting as a young teen, Banevicius began writing to favorite cartoonists asking for a personal sketch, and today his collection includes drawings by over 1000 cartoonists, covering almost 200 years of cartoon and illustration history. This exhibit highlights political and editorial cartoonists, and how they have satirized, critiqued and caricatured American Presidents over the past two centuries.



8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The public is welcome to visit The Warren Family Gallery. To make an appointment, please contact Arts Department Chair Paul Banevicius by clicking the button below: