Interested in becoming an alumni volunteer for Berkshire School?
There are many volunteer opportunities available, and we hope you will take the time to read and learn more about which role could be right for you and your alumni experience. Please contact Director of Alumni Engagement Robin Gottlieb at (413) 229-1223 or email at for more information.
Having professional connections with other alumni is a great way to network. Whether sharing a job or internship opportunity, professionally mentoring a fellow Bear, or looking for career guidance from an alum in a similar occupation, we encourage you to follow our Berkshire School Linkedin group.
Class Agents inspire classmates to engage with Berkshire and give back to the place they love. Be an ambassador for the School and the Annual Fund by calling, emailing, or texting to invite others to join you in giving to Berkshire. Class Agents also help drive alumni participation at events including reunions, and collect updates from classmates for the Berkshire Bulletin alumni magazine.
In alignment with Berkshire School's strategic DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) priorities, the Council engages and develops initiatives and programming for the School's alumni, students, faculty and staff that supports and celebrates the diverse identities and experiences of our community.
Career Network/Mentorship
Community Engagement
Faculty/Staff Support
Kelly Price-Noble '82, Co-Chair
Shawn Ingram ’85, Co-Chair
Rhonda Bentley-Lewis ’86
Philip Carey '72
David Chiang ’05
James Coenen '10
Theodore Collins '74
Adriana English ’07
Dalisa Espinosa ’10
Maya Hackett ’11
Martha Hagerty Kirkpatrick ’11
Angela Lange Meredith-Jones ’87
Denise Saunders ’83
Selina Sun ’10
John Washington, Jr. ’72
Collective Voices Webinar Series hosted by Berkshire's DEI Alumni Council
The Berkshire School Distinguished Alumni Award Committee supports the School in reviewing a list of submitted names of distinguished alumna/ae as possible award recipients. The committee will then forward their recommendations to the Head of School for the final decision. The award is presented to the recipient during Reunion Weekend.
The criteria for the selection of the Distinguished Alumni Award are: “A graduate of Berkshire School who has brought distinction to Berkshire as a result of vocation or avocation, community involvement, or other professional or personal achievements, and who has demonstrated an interest in the welfare of the School.”
Gwynne Coates Deveau ’84
Adriana English ’07
Jae Hyak Yang ’07
Robin McGraw '70
Jenna Pollock '89
Bill Spalding '65
Bob Thomas '79
Peter Kinne, Former Faculty
Andrew Bogardus, Staff (non-voting)
Robin Gottlieb, Staff (non-voting)
The mission of the Berkshire School Regional Advisory Board is to generate increased support through proactive engagement within each represented region. This includes staying connected with alumni and Berkshire families, organizing programs and events, and assisting the Berkshire School Admission and Alumni Offices.
Where are our Regional Advisory Board Ambassadors?
Reunion Committee members are integral to ensuring a successful reunion weekend. Committee members coordinate and motivate their classmates to attend, obtain updated contact information, send save the date letters and emails, make personalized calls, post reunion updates on social media, and help with class reunion fundraising efforts.
If you are interested in joining a Reunion Committee, please contact Robin Gottlieb, Director of Alumni Engagement at
Please use the form below to submit a class note for publication in the next issue of the Berkshire Bulletin. We want to hear your news, including job updates, graduations, marriages, births, gatherings with fellow alumni, or whatever you think is newsworthy!
Did you move recently, get a new cell phone number, or change your email address? Let us know by using the form below so we can be sure to keep you up-to-date with upcoming alumni events and Berkshire School news!
Saturday, January 18, 2025 REGISTER NOW!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
(Registration coming soon)
Thursday, February 13, 2025
(Registration coming soon)