WATCH: Learn About AMSR
Watch a video replay of our Advanced Math Science Research Interest Zoom Session with AMSR Director Dr. April Burch below:
Advanced Math/Science Research (AMSR) is a yearlong course that offers students an authentic independent laboratory experience to design and execute an original research project of their choice in the biological, physical, or social sciences. What sets Berkshire’s course apart is the program’s design: students intern with a professional scientist to conduct real-world research in world-class facilities. The course culminates with a critical review paper and a research paper, both in scientific format.
Students present the results to members of the math and science departments and the Berkshire community. Based on their research interests, students have collaborated with mentors at the College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Albany Medical Center, Wadsworth Medical Center, Union College, UMass Amherst, Bucknell, Williams, and other institutions.
Since 2010, 11 Advanced Math/Science Research students have been named Science Talent Search (STS) semifinalists, a distinction earned by only 300 students in the country each year. Renamed the Regeneron STS (formerly Intel) in 2017, it is the most prestigious science competition for pre-college students in the nation. Working closely with professional mentors, student projects have ranged from better understanding cancer immunology to creating a new type of LED lighting.
Berkshire has helped me work toward my goals. It's an encouraging environment where people from all over the world come together to learn.VIGGO BLOMQUIST '17
Dr. April Burch
Dir. of Advanced Math/Science Research
Watch a video replay of our Advanced Math Science Research Interest Zoom Session with AMSR Director Dr. April Burch below: