What We're Doing: Presenting the Language Oscars!
Posted 04/22/2015 11:51AM

On Friday night, the Language Department hosted its third annual Oscar Night. Showcasing films in Chinese, French, and Spanish, the Berkshire community had the opportunity to see the best of the best from language classes. Prizes were awarded by level, and the judge's panel also acknowledged best actor, best actress, best musical soundtrack, and best teacher cameo. The 20015 winners are as follows:

Best Language Film (Level I): 

La violencia contra las mujeres es mala (Violence against Women is Bad) 

by Mo Omar, Achara Ifunanyachi, Luke Scarafoni, and Jeremy Richard.


Best Language Film (Level II): 

Las pepitas de dinosaurios (Dinosaur Nuggets)

by Erin Dillon, Ieva Pranckeviciute, & Emma Weinstein


Best Language Film (Level III): 

La estrella de rap (The Rap Star)

by Jesse Lee, Ana Tolvo, Dan Beyer, & Tucker Donelan 


Best Language Film (Level IV-AP): 

La Loi & l'ordre (Law & Order)

by Dan Ives, Kevin Kim, Rebecca Vandenberg & Natalie Harrington
Best Actor
Victor Li in Iphone
Best Actress
Maddie Swirbul in El Boligrafo Magico (the Magic Pen)
Best Soundtrack
Berkshire extremo: Esquiando por amor (Berkshire Extreme: Skiing for Love) 
by Derrick Burt, Rawson Clough, Kate Klismazewski & Eliza McKenna
Best Cameo
Mr. Benevicious in Factor del miedo (Fear Factor)
See a slideshow from the night here: